Residency in DansAteliers, Rotterdam.
Performed in One Night’s Dance and Opendans Festival, Rotterdam.
Body (of) Sound is a performance featuring one or two mover(s) and three sound artists. It is an instant composition performance aimed to express the power of now by bringing all the performers to the state of bodies as vessels of vibration.
The bodies, emptied from any kind of ego or history, become purely reactive to impulses coming from within themselves, each other, the sounds, the environment and viceversa, in a dynamic narrative: sophisticated moves and sounds, whose substance is triggered by the instant choices that envelop each other, the context and the duration.
With: Gonçalo Almeida (PT), Lucas Acuña (AR), M. Eugenia Demeglio (IT), Elisa Martinuzzi (IT), Thomas van Praet (BE)